Why seek God in my 20s?

Why Seek God in my 20s?

Tim had the privilege of speaking to a group of young adults at Barn45 last week and it got us thinking that it is so important for young adults to have a crisis of faith and to seek God on their own for answers and understanding. Making their faith their own by accepting Jesus into their lives and surrendering to His lordship.

Here are some reasons why we think it is so important:

  1. Moral and Ethical Guidance: God will guide you to navigate complex moral dilemmas and make ethical choices in your personal and professional lives.

  2. Sense of Purpose: Seeking God can provide a sense of purpose and direction in life, helping you understand your place in the world and your role in making a positive impact.

  3. Emotional and Psychological Support: Faith can offer emotional and psychological support during challenging times. It can provide comfort, hope, and a sense of resilience when facing adversity.

  4. Community and Belonging: Church communities provide a sense of belonging and a support network.

  5. Coping with Life Transitions: Young adulthood is a time of significant life transitions, such as leaving home, starting a career, and forming relationships. Seeking God can help you cope with these transitions and make sense of your changing circumstances.

  6. Existential Questions: Many young adults grapple with existential questions about the meaning of life, death, and the nature of the world. Seeking God can offer answers or a framework for exploring these profound questions.

  7. Inner Peace and Well-Being: Spiritual practices can contribute to a sense of inner peace and well-being, helping young adults manage stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges.

  8. Forgiveness and Redemption: God is the source of forgiveness and redemption for past mistakes or regrets. God can provide a pathway to self-forgiveness and personal growth as well as lead you to a place of forgiving others.

  9. Cultural or Family Tradition: Seeking God is a continuation of cultural or family traditions. It's a way to honor your heritage and maintain a connection to your roots.

  10. Personal Growth and Development: A spiritual journey can be a path to personal growth and self-discovery. It will lead to a better understanding of who God is and the purpose of life by deepening one's understanding of themselves and the world.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

*photo at Barn45 20s group - Tim - guest speaker